Wednesday 4 April 2012

Productive day

Today, I made these very yummy things:

Marbled brownies, mmmm.

But enough about me, this post is actually directed at my Boyfriend. Who published his collection of short stories, I've linked to his blog before here:

But his book can now be bought on Amazon for the kindle, or kindle software at least (this is free to download) and you can buy the book for 77p. The link is here, you'll need to scroll over it to see it:

Please support him, tell all your friends and family. 

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Paint it yourself pottery!

Today I went to a paint yourself pottery place in Cheltenham, I had a great time and I'm very much looking forward to going back on Sunday to finish my piece! This is what I've done so far!

Some of you may say that this isn't the right colour. I know this, don't worry- this is the first coat and it gets darker when it's 'cooked' for people who want to go this is the link:
Very excited about finishing it on Sunday!

Monday 19 March 2012

Crochet! Development!

So, Just over a week a go I learnt how to crochet. I've been doing it when I've got the chance to and I have got this:
How pretty is this! 
This is this square done. I'm going to make ones the same size, probably about 6 of them and then join them together to make a throw for mine and my boyfriend ( Buscemi, our cat absolutely loves it, she does this thing when she loves blankets or dressing gowns so I know it's got her approval!

Overall I think I'm kinda liking crochet!

What have you been up to? :)

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Crochet time!

Today I learnt how to crochet!  It's been taking me a while with some very massive tantrums (Yes, seriously, ask my house mates...) I get angry with myself if I can't do something it's a major flaw of mine...
I met someone on the National Express route to Cheltenham and she was knitting, so I decided to get my knitting out. We formed a bond and she's teaching me all sorts of life skills! And today, after spending 4 hours with her I produced this:

I am pretty impressed with myself! I'm going to make loads of these and make them into a blanket, at the rate I'm going I'll be finished by the time they go on my knees at 68. I'm a bit slow at it... But I'm getting there, this one is finished now and I'm onto my pink one! I am mega excited at the idea of a blanket that I have made!

I also bought a knitting pattern to make a 'Tank Top' style jumper for my Father, for Christmas. Yes, I'm so sorry for mentioning the C word, I didn't mean to swear. But It's going to take me AGES! And therefore I need the time! It's going to be so strange making something that isn't a scarf. But I will be very pleased if it works out and not to mention I'll have a very proud father.

What creative adventures have you been up to?!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentines Day

Valentines day this year has been a bit of a creative one.

For my boyfriend I got a little heart box, filled it with purple sugar paper, Bought a bag of haribo. I put some heart and rings haribo in the box with some gummy bears in so it wasn't all lovey dovey, put the lid on and sello-taped it up so that it didn't come loose in the post.  I liked this idea and everyone I mentioned it to has said how sweet and romantic the idea is... I should so be a man...

In other creative news, This arrived in the post for me today!

Valentines gift for myself. Yay!

I got a nice card this morning from my boyfriend ( which had knitted chillis on and said 'Hot stuff' funny and creative.

What creative things did you do for valentines day? Make a cake or knitted a heart? 

Monday 13 February 2012

Brace the chill with the knitting thrill!

So, we all know it's cold out there...

I got bored and sick off my ears getting cold. So I've knitted myself a headband. It's so warm and comfy! 

Here it is! 
Excuse the poor quality picture! But here it is! 

I knitted a mini scarf almost (cast on 10 stitches) and knitted till I had a band that stretched over my head, it has to be stretched! Otherwise it won't stay on your head, it can't be lose at all. So when I got it to the right length I simply sewed the two edges together! Done! 

I've also just finished knitting a scarf for the son of a friend of my boyfriend ( and that is looking pretty cool! I'm very impressed, I've added Fringing and put his initials into it! Never tried that before. 
This video taught me how to do the fringe!

And here it is! I look forward to sending this in the post tomorrow, ready to hit France!

What have you been up to? :) 

Wednesday 8 February 2012


This was a latest project. My housemate and I got to work on an electrician's boiler suit, that looks like this-
So we altered it and made it into a dress. It was really good fun to do, quite odd also. The transformation is weird. But it was awesome to do. We did a lot of chopping and then sewing. Added some buttons and button holes to the material and that was that, Mario was born.

I was creating Mario for the SFX Weekender, which is an annual geekfest that I enjoy to go with my partner and best friends who we don't see often.

Being Mario was really fun, I managed to steal a stormtroopers mask, and a gun over the course of the evening. I also discovered several different projects that I wish to complete, including a knitted K9!

Many appologies for not posting recently, university life has become quite hectic...

What creative things have you done recently? :)