Monday 5 December 2011

Making Christmas Crackers!

We all know Christmas is a stressful time of year and if you're a creative person like myself you will love all the hustle and bustle that comes with it, making presents, Christmas cake and even Christmas crackers, yes, Christmas crackers.

What you will need: 

Lots of empty loo rolls or kitchen rolls.
Christmas wrapping paper 
Snappers (available from all good craft shops around Christmas)
Tissue paper, different colours


You will need to get your thinking hats on and think of awesome jokes to go into the crackers, who am i kidding? All cracker jokes are priceless and rubbish. My advice, buy a packet of penguins, enjoy the chocolate and pinch the jokes- brilliant material for jokes. After all it's where I got my favourite clean joke ever from:

What did the fish say when it swam into the wall?


Write down your jokes on cut out pieces of paper! Make them interesting and relevant to different people! Thought of some cracking Dr who jokes while making these, the boyfriend hasn't got one this year though.

Before you make the crackers make your paper hats from tissue paper. Measure your head and cut this out from the paper, leave enough room for gluing. And cut many triangles in so it looks like a proper Christmas hat!

1. So, cut a section of wrapping paper, enough to completely cover the roll, it'll have to be quite long so it can be scrunched up for the cracker effect. 

2. Place a loo roll in the middle, cut another loo roll in half and place either side of the centre loo roll. about 1cm apart from the centre roll.

3. Place the snapper in the middle, be careful not to break it at all when doing the wrapping.

4. Place the prize, the hat and the joke inside of the main loo roll. Make sure that the snapper stays in place. 

5. Wrap it all up!

6. twist the sides to create the cracker effect either side of the main part with the prize, be careful you don't pull the snapper! And tie with ribbon! 

You're done! It should look something like this! 

One Christmas cracker for your table on Christmas day!
Quick to make, fairly cheap and thoughtful if tailored to certain people! 


  1. I love the background image!

  2. Thank you :)

    I thought it was rather appropriate. I'm going to go crazy in hobby-craft and fabric land and take my own pictures so it's more awesome :).
