Tuesday 3 January 2012

Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate Truffles are a brilliant gift to give for any occasion. And if they are brilliant (like these are) then they will ask 'Where did you get these! I want more!' you then have the bragging rights of stating that you made them and that if they want more, they will have to pay you. 

So, Chocolate Truffles! My boyfriend (www.drunkwriter.blogspot.com) and his parents love these, I tend to make them a batch for Christmas, I really should start making them other things too...

So, what will you need! 
You will need:
225g Plain Chocolate
175g Whipping or double cream
Icing Sugar and Cocoa powder to dust

I will take you through step by step!

1) Cover a baking tray with Cling Film or Baking Paper

2) Place the chocolate in a mixing bowl, ensure that it is cut up into small pieces:

3) Bring the cream to a rolling boil, make sure that you stir it occasionally. 

4) Pour the cream over the chopped chocolate and keep stirring until all the chocolate has melted!

5) When it's all blended and melted through put to one side and allow to set, this should take roughly 1 hour and a half.

6) When the ganache is all set roll into little balls, you may need to dust your hands with cocoa powder first so it doesn't stick as much; this stage is messy.

TIP: Set out two bowls of powder to make Stage 7 easier for you:

7) Immediately dip the truffle into your preferred powder, icing sugar or cocoa powder. Then place on the tray!

8) Put in the fridge and leave overnight so they set properly into their new shape. 

9) Find a box that you want to put them in and decorate it with sugar paper, looks very professional:

Once you're ready the next day place the truffles in and then present them to that lucky person!

The truffles can last in the fridge for a week, if they last that long ;)


You can add 75ml of rum, brandy, Calvados or anything you fancy. Do this before the Ganache sets.
Another good idea is to dip the truffles in melted chocolate to give it that crunch.


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